We created this blog as a vehicle that will make communication between Real Magic students and practitioners possible, and help people support each other in The Great Work.

Many people are out there working alone. As Sylvia becomes more focused on writing and less available for individual readings, please support each other in this difficult passage through the ego jungle. Ask each other questions. Answer questions. It is an opportunity for advanced students to mentor the students on the Path who are just beginning their journey.

This is a time on earth of polarity and restructuring. It is a time of growing community as opportunities to come together are presented to us. Let's make use of this time to give each other truth and blessings on the Path. Thank you.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Something interesting happened on the way to the...

Twice now I have been on this site, on different days, & have been "flipped into" the Real Magic Studies home page. So this time I looked further & ran across the beautiful writing on "Letting go of Attachement." How appropriately it states why we are here to do this work, how it will benefit us in the "real world" & why we shouldn't ponder all this too much. Just do the work & enjoy the life we are creating! What fun!


  1. Debora I don't know what you are talking about. It sounds like you went to the Real Magic website instead of the blog site. The web site www.realmagicstudies.com has nothing to do with this blog site - it is mine and it is about the Course, about the book, and has many writings about my work in Real Magic. I wish more students would make use of it and I thank you Debora for finding it if even by "accident".
    But it has NOTHING to do with the realmagicstudiesblogsite. They are two different animals and I don't see how they could flip into each other!
    Could you explain to me what you did???!!!!

  2. I made the flower logo link to the Real Magic Website. Thinking that if someone who was not in the group came across it, they could check it out and understand the philosophy of the postings.

  3. OH Thank You...I get easily confused by computer mysteries! That was a good idea!

  4. Thanks transformational muse for clearing up the computer mystery!! I so often consider the computer one of my "dangerous others" instead of what it is, a modern day communication tool. This blog site is a great tool for us to use. I have never blogged so am having fun learning how. Thanks for creating it for us!!
