We created this blog as a vehicle that will make communication between Real Magic students and practitioners possible, and help people support each other in The Great Work.

Many people are out there working alone. As Sylvia becomes more focused on writing and less available for individual readings, please support each other in this difficult passage through the ego jungle. Ask each other questions. Answer questions. It is an opportunity for advanced students to mentor the students on the Path who are just beginning their journey.

This is a time on earth of polarity and restructuring. It is a time of growing community as opportunities to come together are presented to us. Let's make use of this time to give each other truth and blessings on the Path. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

another post from planet wrong..

Like Meridian, I am also a girl from planet Wrong. I found her comments very comforting, since I tend to be either completely hard-ass or completely disregarding. Here’s to balance and a ‘softer way of living’. Thanks Meridian!


Considering Sylvia's questions re: fear, self-importance, and ego:

At the pool the other day, a little girl was getting a swimming lesson. She didn’t want to get in the water and told the teacher there were sharks in the pool. Now, this girl knew there were no sharks in the pool. But her fear was real to her and she wasn’t ready to get in the water. Was she was coming from a place of ego and self-importance? Seems like a heavy rap, I mean, she’s just a kid, forfucksake! I would say the ego is causing a little emotional distortionJ! I thought of this when considering if the ego is necessary, since it’s ‘job’ is to preserve the physical body, and human beings are not born with the ability to swim. But many kids will jump in the water with no drama, so who knows.

I have a fear of deep water also, having come close to drowning a couple times as a child. For a long time, I believed this fear was real and was self-important in my avoidance of the water. “I hate swimming!” Now I have the wisdom to move through the fear, and enjoy swimming very much. I still feel the fear in my body as physical tension, but it’s let go a lot. So I have the wisdom, and the ego is only causing discomfort and is not of service to me in this.

In our RM work, we are releasing the ego and transitioning to a life guided by spirit. It seems that when all humans do this, maybe ego will no longer be necessary for survival on earth. Cool.


  1. I saw Sylvia's response to Meridians post, that we are 're-structuring' the ego, not 'releasing'. So it will be with us, but in a different form?

  2. Pleas tell me what is the meaning of the word 'transmute'? Transmute means re-structuring of a total structure. Re-structure means transmute which means molecular/cellular/astral/mental/physical change. A transmuted (i.e.restructured) ego is an entirely new being. It will be an ego-less ego - an ego that can experience and express unconditional love and grace - and that is the reason why we are doing this work (I hope) - or at least, that is the reason why I am committed to teaching these Teachings.

  3. you are right in that, Valerie. If we can pull this off ego will no longer be focused on physical survival - it will be focused on wholeness and Grace.

  4. One question that came to mind in imagining a restructured ego is what it will do to the astral body and emotions. Will we still have the same emotions, since emotions are often times the expression on the ego?

  5. What do you think the ego is? Let's go back to Real Magic 101. The ego is not a separate entity from our human beingness. The ego is a part of our consciousness. It is a part of our consciousness that often fears truth.
    This is why it needs to be transmuted.
    It is a part of our consciousness that includes all the dimensions within our multidimensional body.
    The ego IS astral and emotions. The ego is created from astral, mental, and physical dimensions of our consciousness.
    It does not - in untransmuted beings - include the spiritual - and it often fears the spiritual as a dangerous outside other.
    This is why it is our job to restructure the ego by transmuting our identity.
    Emotions are expressions of the ego.
    Emotions are also expressions of Spirit, of bliss.
    The emotion of joy that comes when we are being true to ourselves happens when the ego is transmuted.
    When the ego is transmuted - or restructured - it retains the spiritual dimension as a part of the consciousness it can now experience. The restructuring of the ego allows the egoic energy to expand into a multidimensionality that includes spiritual expression.
    This means that the ego will no longer resist spiritual experience, it will no longer fear truth.
    This is a good thing. This is why the Great Work is called the GREAT work. This is the transmutation of the human species. Good Work!
    We will of course experience emotions but will no longer experience the destructive emotions of anger, competition, mockery, lack, resentment, i.e., SELF-IMPORTANCE!!!!!
    If the ego is no longer functioning from fear, we will be unable to look at anything as a "dangerous other". If the ego is restructured, war will not be an option. This might seem impossible if you are a pessimist. It won't happen in our lifetime.
    I am willing to keep giving my life energy - many lifetimes - to this possibility.
    Thank You.

  6. Thank you! When you said 'transmuting the identity', it clarified your focus on self-importance for me, the word 'identity', in particular.

  7. Maybe you should try to take the Course again! This is very basic stuff. That's why I wish students would mentor each other and I wouldn't have to. I will keep an eye on the blog though in the hope that this can happen.

  8. I love the idea of a transmuted ego sees nothing as a dangerous other. No more perceived fear. What a motivation for power pointing our self importantness. (I don't think that is a real word, oh well). What a beautiful planet we can create by restructuring our ego!! Yeh for the Great Work!! I too am willing to give all it takes to create a new world. No more war, etc...

  9. Thank you, this is beautiful Debora. I am running through the blog before I climb in bed and was happy to see all the activity. Lovely.
    Wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole world had sweet dreams! I'm off to bed.
