We created this blog as a vehicle that will make communication between Real Magic students and practitioners possible, and help people support each other in The Great Work.

Many people are out there working alone. As Sylvia becomes more focused on writing and less available for individual readings, please support each other in this difficult passage through the ego jungle. Ask each other questions. Answer questions. It is an opportunity for advanced students to mentor the students on the Path who are just beginning their journey.

This is a time on earth of polarity and restructuring. It is a time of growing community as opportunities to come together are presented to us. Let's make use of this time to give each other truth and blessings on the Path. Thank you.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Self Importance (Valerie)

I read Sylvia’s post several times, and it greatly expands my idea what self-importance is. It is so pervasive, and seems to be the essential expression of the ego’s agenda of separation, fear and lack. What I am trying to wrap my head around is that the opposites of self-importance are gratitude, accountability and impeccability. To me it would seem to be trust, freedom and unity. Perhaps I am confusing what is the root quality or belief and how it plays out in our lives? Or maybe I’m not yet grasping the subtlety and broad range of self-importance’s expression? Is self-importance the same as arrogance?

I will look at my life and recognize areas of self-importance and indentify choice points. Here are a few:

Vanity: Why do I put on lipstick to go to the grocery store? Or check my ass in the mirror when I put on leggings? I have a lot of judgment of myself and others, and also a need to be different or special. Choice: Letting go of judgment and being true to myself. Letting go of separation.

2. Perfectionism and control, being self-conscious. (similar to #1, but with a more intense visceral fear factor) Fear of being the center of attention, speaking in public, and fear of improvisation. Choice: letting go of fear and choosing freedom.

3. Opinions: Getting indignant when reading the news. Getting all fired up about health care and thinking republicans are jack-asses and commentators do-nothing crybabies! Maybe here is where accountability comes in. Doing my part and not concerning myself with what others are doing? Choice: accountability?

Indignation over lousy tips and not receiving enough money for my work. Thinking it’s ‘all about me’, and taking things personally. Coming from a place of lack. Choice: gratitude

Here are a few that I’m not sure about, but threw in anyway:

5. Trying to control my boyfriend’s behavior, eating habits. It’s not just about my being concerned about his welfare. I’ve made his health a factor in my well being.

6. Acting like a child, laziness, not taking care of business. Having a ‘fuck it’ attitude or just avoiding things.

7. Communication: I’m not always accountable in my communication, but expect others to be. Answering emails, returning phone calls, etc.

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