We created this blog as a vehicle that will make communication between Real Magic students and practitioners possible, and help people support each other in The Great Work.

Many people are out there working alone. As Sylvia becomes more focused on writing and less available for individual readings, please support each other in this difficult passage through the ego jungle. Ask each other questions. Answer questions. It is an opportunity for advanced students to mentor the students on the Path who are just beginning their journey.

This is a time on earth of polarity and restructuring. It is a time of growing community as opportunities to come together are presented to us. Let's make use of this time to give each other truth and blessings on the Path. Thank you.

Friday, November 27, 2009

She who watches and she who is

Took a beautiful walk early this morning up through the hills just 10 minutes from my front door. It was cold, sunny, snowy and pleasantly vacant of other hikers. As I was walking I felt the silence, but also felt the distinct feeling that I was watching the silence and not living the silence. This feels like a consistently tricky area for me...so innately I slide into being a witness to my own life instead of being fully planted in it. I wonder how you dance in and out of presence?


  1. I’ve had similar experiences and wonder if it’s a by-product of self awareness training, and will stop once we become more integrated. I know there’s been times when taking the course where I’ve gone through hyper self-watching, gauging reactions to things, etc. I have to let go of my mind.
    Or could it be ego discomfort: “Ahhhhh!!! Too much goodness!”

  2. I’m thinking about presence while sitting in my bed, my very favorite place to be, clean sheets, soft, fluffiness, three cats on my legs….it is good, I’m content. What is it to begin to let go of seperation? For me, it has been becoming willing to live in my heart. Which is challenging because I’m super mental. But I notice a distinct difference in my experience when I literally lower my point of view so that it’s sitting in my chest and looking out from there, or more accurately, sensing out from there. It’s quieter in there. It’s also more sore, which helps me understand the clattering hyper-reflexive way my mind will spring into action to create a very interesting story or interpretation, la la la… fear of pain.

  3. Yes, Ditto, it is about separation. When we are feeling our separation we are always outside the heart of ourselves flitting around flirting with various realities rather than being grounded in solid self-knowledge.
    As long as there is separation we dance in and out of ourselves and it is not possible to experience presence while dancing in and out of presence. Presence is like patience, it is a state of being that remains constant in the face of any and all egoic attempts to disrupt it.
    Being true to yourself is the only constant and it is always present. Keep choosing to experience being true - not true to anything outside of yourself, not true to ideas, or dreams, or anyone else's intellectual version of reality but true to your own deep sense of knowing who you are. This can never be taken from you, it is the most powerful thing you have - and it already exists within you. All you have to do is choose it over and over in the face of all the fancy dancing your ego does to distract you from the simple truth of your Self.
    The Witness is also a state of being but it is literally a state of being. Not observing the silence as separate from yourself, not living the silence, but Being the silence.

  4. I love this simple statement from Tanya and wanted to comment and I see that I have already written a comment. Valerie and Ditto have said it - you keep doing the practice until you become the practice. You practice silence until you become silence. You become presence and present in your own life. Present in your own life, or being true, means you no longer dance in and out of consciousness, you are conscious and you are life. Happy New Year. 2010 will be the year of Presence!
