We created this blog as a vehicle that will make communication between Real Magic students and practitioners possible, and help people support each other in The Great Work.

Many people are out there working alone. As Sylvia becomes more focused on writing and less available for individual readings, please support each other in this difficult passage through the ego jungle. Ask each other questions. Answer questions. It is an opportunity for advanced students to mentor the students on the Path who are just beginning their journey.

This is a time on earth of polarity and restructuring. It is a time of growing community as opportunities to come together are presented to us. Let's make use of this time to give each other truth and blessings on the Path. Thank you.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I received an email with this question: "What is the single most important practice in Real Magic?" I went into a meditative space and as I observed myself giving myself space to receive an answer, I realized that I always went to Silence. When I truly desire to give Truth, I go to Silence. I would say, then, that the single most important practice in any way of life, not only in the Tao of Real Magic, is Silence.

Don't choose silence; just say the word. Don't choose love, don't choose wisdom - as soon as we choose it an idea of what love or wisdom or peace or freedom is, begins to churn in our interpretive mind. Choose to let go of the interpretive mind and its addiction to ideas. Say, then, "Silence".

In that Silence is the complete letting go of ideas about separation, being victim, being right, fearing to be wrong, the letting go of interpretation, the letting go of thought itself, the letting go of 'being'. Just say, "Silence". If you choose to let go or receive you are in the realm of ideas. Silence is the end of ideas. The blessed end of ideas. Be willing to have no ideas, no thing, no source, no truth, no me, no you... What happens in this space?

Love comes alive. Wisdom comes alive. What was there all the time hidden behind all the ideas of this or that or the one thing or the no thing and the looking for the meaning of this, that, and the other, is only the love, peace, and wisdom that is alive in that vast space of Silence that is truly you--where you truly live.

Have a beautiful Solstice, Christmas, New Year's celebration and a miraculous experience of all your days being bright and filled with the Silence of the Christ in 2010. Yes, that is an idea but it is my favorite idea and my goal as a Real Magic practitioner and teacher! God bless us every one!

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